Saturday 17 September 2011

Choosing the Best Deck Sealer

!±8± Choosing the Best Deck Sealer


Contractors are always asking us to recommend a sealant for them, based on our experiences. This has been a challenge for us in a sense, because there are more available than ever before sealing. Years ago we tried every single seal is available, but with the widespread reformulation we have seen in recent years and appear all new products must maintain a hard time with any changes. The complications of the reformulation of a product are obvious, andsome held several times changed the formulation during this short period of time.

Sealants are made of a series of different bases with a variety of additional chemicals. Some snakes make the best kept (application, adhesion, flow, penetration, etc.). Other ingredients just add bulk to help keep the "cost per gallon" down. For example, what purpose the addition of mineral spirits to have a seal? Well, streamline the product to facilitate, promote and play helps seal inwood. The fact that benzene has a very low cost also allows a manufacturer selling price of its product, reducing benzene more easily! Of course, the EPA forced to stop this practice, so some manufacturers are actually falling deck are kept (because they can not keep up).

In any discussion of seals, it should be clear from the outset that there is a perfect product. The universal product we've ever used is prepared for sealingWe used everything from small wooden platforms with success. Unfortuanetly this product is frequently used by employers as a homeowner and there are very few online resource can be purchased. Just search for Ready Seal deck sealer Compart online and this product is definitely worth the time.


Sealing rings can be one of several types of oil. Sealing rings can be wall or penetration or a combination of both properties. PurelyCoatings are sitting on top of the wood. Penetration pure and sit under the wood surface. A seal, which means any coating on the leaves is used as a coating of wood, if this is a minor (covering 10%, 90% penetration) or complete (100%) coating. Any product that contains linseed oil, is a film of product formation (coating) at some point. Ready Seal is made of 100% paraffin oil (an oil) and is therefore a complete penetrance.

In general, coatings that cover the defectscracks in the surface or in the work of cleaning. The closer they are a solid color stain, the more they are able to hide errors. You may be subject to wear visible in traffic areas as well. Coatings must be cleared before a new level, because they do not penetrate into new layers of the forest and the bond with her. Most coatings require careful handling because errors such as drips and runs in the final show will work. In other words, you (or your employees) have paintedSkills, so that a coating will be fine when it is new and valuable with age of the wood. Liners may flake and peel over time, if moisture is trapped in the wood.

In general, the penetration is not obscure the error surface as a job badly or washed stains. Penetrating the traffic patterns do not show wear. I usually do not have to recoat the naked along the road, and because the new sealant penetrates the old coat and bond directly to the wood.Applications for full penetration agents are assigned to complete, which means it drops or lap times will be marked not displayed. In other words, less skill required to apply a penetrating product. Full penetration of products are not designed to be as hard coatings, so they are relatively easy if you need to remove streaks.


Water-based paints are becoming increasingly popular as homeowners look to their work. These products are sold by big box stores through the dayLines like "cleans with soap and water" - words that are very attractive for the do-it-yourself. Latex and acrylic surfaces make the most of these alternative products. Water-based products are finished filming. Acrylic paints and products are very difficult to maintain and operate.

The inner workings of sealants

Transmission: Sealers are permeable, in order to "breathe" means the wood can be. This means that the normal humidity, it is possibleand let the wood during the normal cycle of day, but they can not fall like rain in the woods. The more pigment the product contains, the less permeable is the seal. A quality-permeable seal allowing SAP to the wood, leaving the seal to pass through, for example.

The colors are not permeable, so paint crack and peel bridges drastically after a short period of time.

Have you ever noticed what happens with latex paint on a window sill? The moisture content of woodtries to escape the sun on the wood and the temperature rises. Since moisture does not pass from these colors, the only natural consequence is that the color repels moisture from the surface of the wood to escape. Why paint and cracked shells. This result is most likely on the window sill (horizontal edge), instead, to cut the vertical window, since the top of a vertical panel usually is not pictured (so that the escape of moisture). That's why we never paint a woodDeck.

Volatile organic compounds: For many years manufacturers throw out terms like "percentage of solids," as a point of sale of their products. Simply put, this refers to the amount of wood product remains after all that has evaporated away. What will evaporate, as "volatile" or "VOC". The EPA has strengthened legislation on VOCs for years, because damage to air quality and ozone depletion. Many sealants have formulate one (or moretimes) in order to meet this change. Each time a manufacturer to change the properties of the formulated product.

VOCs are often simple mineral spirits or turpentine.

NOTE: "High-Solids" does not mean that the product is thick. Ready Seal has the highest solids from the oil seal, which we know (87) and is also one of the finest olive oil you will ever work. It simply does not contain a lot of volumes of VOCs.

Sometimes sealants contain production of products that the manufacturerwants to dispose of benzene. Careful monitoring of the safety data sheet will tell you too much.

Pigment: Pigment is a finely ground, inert, colored powders, used to create the color in your outfit. In most seal hunters, these particles are iron oxides. In seals, is the iron oxide pigment, which gives protection from UV rays. UV rays are removed from the wood of these minute iron particles of paint before they can penetrate the wood and turn it against gray. Over time, the raysthe sun with the oxide particles, and the wood begins to gray again.

Funds transparent, despite the many labels, not effectively prevent graying, because they contain no pigment. If a customer asks for an empty seat, you must educate them. I have always repeated his statement back, but changed the word "clear" to the word "natural." After I tell them, the word "natural" I just asked whether natural or natural cedar Redwood wanted to paint.

LIFE:Most sealers are designed to last for about two years on horizontal surfaces and four years on vertical surfaces. Some say more, some have no rights at all. Customers are usually for the duration of the product you're suggesting, ask, and it is important that you know the answer to this question: "It depends ..." Life depends on the estate, the location of the bridge, the condition of the wood, the weather, the use of the platform, etc. Remember, they are hunters of sealsis never guaranteed, "look good" for any amount of time. You are only guaranteed to sell the water for some time. Manufacturers are notorious for not behind their products. They simply blame the poor implementation by the Contractor and allow you to hold the bag.

Some manufacturers sell "lifetime" or "25-Year," he concludes. These are almost always water-based silicone products. Silicone is an excellent waterproof, and lasts a long time. He can not always be completely removed from theWood later, so that the selection of these products is a final decision. The disadvantage of these products is the protection from UV rays, which are often not in a few years of initial application. Once the wood starts to turn gray, the nightmare begins. If you do not remove the product, how to get the wood to clean it up and add a plus UV protection? There is no answer.


Part of the sealant was chosen to factors such as packaging, to help manufacturers, dealers areSupport, availability, exclusivity, colors, etc. The two most important factors that we have been over the years 1) customer satisfaction and 2) easy integration of new employees for their success with their own seal.

Ready Seal has allowed us to teach the techniques of proper seal and send new employees on their own with only 2-3 weeks of work with a person of lead. The training time saved and the repeat business we have generated with Ready Seal of our choice to use the sealrather simple.

Consider some other important factors when thinking about choosing a sealant. Ready Seal has no limitations for the application temperature, which is a great advantage for entrepreneurs. This means that you can use to seal decks and fences, even when the temperature drops to 40 or less! This function is only a few months at your annual cleaning and sealing of the list "season."

The only thing that limits the use of Ready-to seal the moisture content of wood isthis wood.

You do not have to wait because there is a thunder showers expected on the same day, either. It may be less than 15 minutes after mixing Ready Seal without the appearance or protection. That makes a lot of extra days in your new work program, too!

Other seals have their advantages and can be easier to get from a local shop, but Ready Seal can your company in a way that no other product we tested that could change.

Choosing the Best Deck Sealer

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